The Edington Local Development Plan 2016

What are the key issues for the village?
A local development plan will identify the key issues that the villagers consider to be important by initially sending all households in the village a brief questionnaire from this the main questionnaire will be produced that will seek further information on these areas.
What is the process for the production of the LDP?
The local development plan will only be produced if at least 50% of the village households who complete the initial questionnaire are in agreement that they wish one to be produced. Update plan produced.
What happens next if 50% say yes?
As part of the initial survey we asked people to indicate if they would be willing to participate in the construction of the LDP. There was then an initial meeting with those interested to determine the best way forward.

The initial tasks to be undertaken were identified, the areas of the village that we wished to base the plan upon and the holding of a public meeting when we sought the views of the village as to what they considered to be the issues (some of this information will already have been collected from the initial questionnaire).  When the issues had been clearly identified we created a number of focus groups each of which concentrated on specific issues identified by the village and these then contributed to creating a detailed survey to be put to the village.

The survey was completed the task of writing the Local Development Plan commenced.

Areas of concern

Following the meeting in October we formed six groups to investigate further the areas of concern.

The six areas were:-

Amenities and facilities
Business and employment
Environment including footpaths
Highways, traffic and transport
Social well being


The minutes of the groups meetings can be found on the LDP documents page.

You can view the original plan by clicking on the link below.

Edington Development Plan 2005